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The Man Behind          The Lense

So I guess this is the fun part, firstly let me start by saying thank you for visiting the website I hope you have enjoy your visit, the website is still under construction so please bare with me.

So with this being my first ever blog as well as the first ever website I've ever created, I've realised that I really don't have good patience, and building a website can be extremely time consuming so if you guys are considering building one yourself my advice would be to make sure you have everything you wish to add to the site in folders this will make your life so much simpler, organisation is the key!

The man behind the lens who is he?
Well my name is Robert, I'm from Manchester England which is where I'm currently living. One of the most popular questions I get asked once people know I'm from Manchester is...Are you a red or a blue? for those who live in Manchester you probably get this too especially when on holiday and for those who don't and are like what the hell are you going on about its football talk and the answer to the question is a BLUE through and through ever since I was tiny with blonde hair.

Growing up in Manchester I was a super sporty kid who loved jumping in muddy puddles, playing football, climbing trees, really adventurous I lived the typical 90s child lifestyle. (seriously kids these days do not know how to have fun) and as I got older the sporty side of me just continued at one stage i would be playing football 5 times a week and the other two days would be either kickboxing or training judo basically what I'm saying is I was never into photography growing up but I was very creative in my own way. I suppose photography caught my attention once I started to go on holidays I remember i would always try and "Borrow" a family members camera and just take photos literally point and shot at anything zero thought process went into the composure of the photos. kind of a shame thinking back if would of known more about photography back then the amount of cool shots I could of got. I've been quite lucky to go on a lot of holidays and travel which really helped open my mind. Seriously guys some really lovely places from Jamaica to Jerusalem, to cruising oceans where you have nothing but blue seas for miles to floating down the rive Nile seeing crocodiles next to some dude washing his T shirt. Suppose photography is going to be my excuse to revisit these countries. (Yehh Boy)

It wasn't until the beginning of 2017 I thought to myself I'm going learn more about photography, So I went out bought my first DLSR camera from Currys to be honest the guy who served me wasn't very helpful he was basically like pick a camera you like they all do the same thing. (no joke that was his advice) so that's what I did, I had done a little bit of research before hand and knew I wanted a Canon and I settled with a Canon 100D with a EF S 18mm-55mm lens.

I am far from a Professional photographer I'm not one of these people you see with their super long lens trying to take pictures of celebs just not my cup of tea at this moment of time, I'm still learning all the time, I'm self taught mainly watching YouTube vlogs and reading up on websites. One of my favourite vloggers at the moment that I leaned a lot from has to be,
Peter Mckinnon ( There's the link to his YouTube page, by the way he's not paid me to do this I'm just trying to help you guys out. But yeah my point is this is how I'm learning to improve my hobby. But one of the best pieces of advice I've ever had when it comes to photography is just get out there and shoot best way to learn is to physically attempt to take photos, things don't really get too tricky until you try and shoot in Manual mode but this is also when things can get really fun playing around with ISO, shutter speeds and aperture. Now don't worry there are loads of things on the internet to learn about how to shoot in manual mode just google it. But for now this is where I'm going to leave this section for now I'll add more in due time, so thanks for reading if you got this far and I hope you enjoy the website.
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